What is RSS?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication which allows you to receive updates automatically, about Teknations articles. This is really convenient seeing that everything is done automatically for you, all you have to do is subscribe, and you will receive the articles we post!

So what exactly does this mean?

It means that instead of you having to check the website to see if new articles have been posted, it is all done for you. You will receive an alert every single time an article is posted on Teknation.

How do I use RSS?

The first step to take is to grab an RSS Reader. There are a vast number of feed readers that are going round, all with there own variety of features. One of the most popular web based feed reader is Google Reader.

If you don't know which feed reader to choose, on the top right hand side of the page, there is a pale orange box. Hover on the 'subscribe' button and you will see many options to choose from.

Or if you can't make up your mind, simply click on the small orange RSS image in any web browser or visit the URL below. Then choose any feed reader you want to read the updates with. Once you've subscribed you will be alerted when there is updated content.

The URL for subscribing to our RSS feed is: http://feeds.feedburner.com/teknationonline

Still a little confused? Subscribe via email then!

Don't worry if the above explanation seems a little daunting. Many other sites including Teknation, allow you to subscribe via email. Just simply type in your main email address, and hit the subscribe button.

We know that not everyone is into the whole RSS thing, which is the main reason we have included email as an option. You can also unsubscribe at any time you want, plus your email will be kept private and never be used for any other purposes than to send these daily updates.